Questionable Wisdom from a Mom who Tries Too Hard...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I am not Wonder Woman.

Well, duh, right?

Though, what girl didn’t want to be Wonder Woman growing up?  I mean, first, she’s gorgeous. Second, she can bend metal and throw dynamite.  And C, she beats up all the bad guys and still looks…gorgeous.

But I digress.

No, I figured out this week that I most certainly did not grow up to be Wonder Woman.  Damn.

See, I didn’t think.  That is usually the root of most of my problems.  I say “Yes” and neglect to think about the ramifications of my agreement.  Raise your hand if you do that.

You really did just raise your hand, didn’t you?

OK.  So months ago, I took on the responsibility of the Community Yard Sale.  I figured I do all of the prep and advertising for just one, so the same amount of work goes in to the Community, right?  And I planned it to piggyback on the Borough-wide Yard Sale, since we are just outside of the Borough.  A couple of signs, and we’re set, right?

Yep.  Tonight I found myself lettering a bunch of big posterboards, transforming saved Yard Sale signs (I’m so OCD) to read “Community”, and oh, yeah, sorting and pricing the bazillions of junk we have to sell you’re the yard sale. My sale has kinda gone into the background because I’m feeling responsible for the other houses if no one shows up.  And they will, but…

Tomorrow Little Miss and I will venture forth to the neighborhood stores to post signs.  This will happen before I drive 25 minutes to get allergy shots. 

Then, I have to race home to clean my downstairs because I thought the Wednesday before my yard sale would be a great time to hold a drop in party for my friend who makes her own jewelry.  I’m actually really excited for this party and want it to go well.  I mean, her jewelry is amazing.  But the closer I get to a drop-in party with an unknown amount of attendees, the more the OCD-ness kicks in. 

So Little Miss and I headed to my favorite scratch –and –dent grocery store to get food and supplies for Wednesday.  And to get sodas and drinks to sell at the yard sale.  And, yes, purchase food to prepare meals for my family when I’m not in the corner banging my head against the wall.

We walk out of the store in the pouring rain, so I usher Little Miss into the car and unload the bags of soda, veggie tray makings, and yummy things to dip into the chocolate fountain (which I just realized needs to come up from the basement and be tested before tomorrow…).  Drenched, I start driving home when Little Miss asks me when we are going out in the afternoon and could she invite a friend?  I start to repeat the “I am not your cruise director” speech when I realize that I promised to take her to the potato chip factory for the tour (and yummy fresh chips right off the line!). 

So we race home, unload the groceries from the car in the pouring rain (I won’t tell you what my kitchen floor looks like right now!), load the outside fridge with a million ounces of liquid (true), toss the rest of the food where it belongs.  I prepare a healthy meal of microwave mac and cheese for Little Miss, and we head back out the door.  Did I mention it was pouring?

We actually enjoyed the tour, and I was able to keep my mind off of the 43 items on my to-do list.  Of course, the tour goes from building to building and we got wet because it was still pouring.  BUT, I grabbed some chips for the party, and we head home again.

Little Miss’s next question is, “What’s for dinner?”  Oh Man.  Run to the freezer, grab the meat that I was supposed to defrost and breathe a sigh of relief when the recipe says 1 hour.  Perfect timing!  Unfortunately, that meant 1 hour of cooking time.  So I dash around trying to make things happen as quickly as possible, dumping green pepper seeds and onion bits on the floor (did I mention my kitchen floor?). 

Dinner is finished, cleaned up, and I have poured myself a cup of coffee and am heading to price some yard sale stuff when Little Miss asks, “Can we play a game tonight?”  Since she’s been out playing in the fantastic weather and we’ve missed family game night and she can’t go outside because it’s POURING…I became the banker for the Game of Life.

I lost the game, by the way.

As I’m putting Little Miss to bed, thinking about how glad I am that the Folks from London have been procrastinating with my latest writing job, Little Miss looks at me and says, “Mama, I had a really good day today.  I Love You.”

Well, Wonder Woman I ain’t.  And I’m still going to rush around for the next 4 days to get everything accomplished.  But what I do know is that my little girl loves me, and no matter what I take on, she thinks I’m wonderful.

What else do I need?

By the way, check out my friend Jacqui’s beautiful work on her website: JoyfulJac Jewelry

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